Farm Incubator

What is the Farm Incubator progam?

Start-up costs is one of the biggest obstacles for beginning farmers.

Our Incubator Farm Program provides new growers with affordable land, resources, one-on-one guidance, language interpretation (if needed) and training to develop their production techniques and build their farm business. The Incubator upcoming Farm is located on a 5-hectare leased land.

Farm Incubator Benefits

1- Access to share 5-hectares of farmland with other farmers based on agreement. 2- Equipment/tools, irrigation system, deer fence, walk-in refrigerator, and high tunnel space. 3- Individual mentoring from experienced farmers. 4- Business development support with planning, financial management, and marketing.

Who's Eligible

1- Must have a clear farm business concept, commitment to farming, and respect for the land. 2- Must have demonstrated farming experience, such as a background in family farming, homesteading or similar experience. 3- Fees range from $50 to $1000 based on plot assigned.


While we consider all applicants to the Incubator Farm Program, we prioritize admission for people of color, immigrants, refugees and women. Our goal is to build a diverse farming community.

Interested in applying?

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